The SOLD OUT Early Screening of Toy Story 4!

Sooooo the Early Screening of Toy Story 4 was AMAZING!!! Not just for the kids, but for the parents as well.

First let me say when I found out Toy Story 4 was coming out I knew I had to do an event. Growing up Toy Story was one of my favorite movies and it’s one I currently enjoy with my kids (have to share the classics). I didn’t know I would rent an entire theatre and sell out in the first day but… I was excited to plan a meet up for parents and children. One of the first movie theatre’s I remember going to all the time was Shaker Square, so with all of the new updates they are making and the change in management, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to support local.

As I stated, I rented the theatre, put tickets on Eventbrite and on the same day filled over 100 seats! By the end of the week I had plans to move to the another theatre but had surpassed that capacity as well. I capped the event in their second largest theatre seating 168 and reached that in no time… so THANK YOU to everyone who supported this event.

Prior to the day of the event I encouraged parents to let their kids dress up in Toy Story clothing or costumes, and I was also glad to see parents do the same! It was actually really cute! I had both Buzz and Woody come to take pictures with everyone in attendance. As you entered, you were greeted by music and both characters in the lobby. The kids who weren’t scared (LOL) were thrilled to see them in person and running to them for hugs and high fives. At that time I encouraged parents to grab some discounted kids meals for $5 then proceed to our theatre to check in. Before you entered the assigned theatre, you had to check in. I asked all guest to print their tickets but found that to be unnecessary because I printed a check in list.

Once you were checked in you could go inside in pick your seats. When everyone was seated Buzz and Woody came in dancing! While the music played, kids were invited to the front to participate in multiple activities including Limbo, Head Should Knees and Toes, and singing and dancing to popular songs like Old Town Road and Baby Shark! Before the characters took off, we sang you Have a Friend in Me and waved them goodbye.

In an attempt to review Toy Story 1, 2 and 3 I did a trivia giveaway for prizes! This was hard LOL and something I’ll never do again (you live and your learn right?). I had kids who knew the answer raise their hands and it was just a challenge picking who would answer. I ended up giving away Toy Story toys, lunchboxes, water bottles, a suitcase, a duffle back, slime and more! After the movie all the kids who came received a Toy Story 4 poster, buttons and stickers. It was a great night and another successful Courtney Covers Cleveland Event!  To see more pictures CLICK HERE! 

Thank you to Atlas Shaker Square for hosting us! Thank you to my photographer Natasha Herbert for the pictures! Thank you to Park Party Play for being a local company who has the PERFECT characters for rental! Support all of these local businesses!!!

I’m ready for the next movie…. what shall it be??? The Lion King maybe??????


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