We had a great time at the Hip Hop Nutcracker last night with our boys! What a great experience taking them to Playhouse Square and exposing them to the arts. My personal belief is that as parents we have so many great options in this city to expose our children to various cultures and the arts. This was certainly a great way to introduce them to the nutcracker in a way they could actually enjoy, considering there is no speaking the dancing was enjoyable. Again, it was a different experience for both my boys but they were engaged and Pauly was dancing lol! I think even if they didn’t enjoy it, I woulld’ve been glad that they tried something new. We made them dress in something nice but comfortable and spend an eveening with their parents.
Of course we were rushing from basketball so we couldn’t go to dinner before as I wanted. We did however stop and have dinner at a place I enjoy immediately following the show. Although it was another location than the one I previously wrote about in the article HAPPY I GAVE THESE TACOS A 2ND CHANCE! It was perfect for a late night quick meal on the way home. The service was quick and the kids enjoyed it for the first time!
At the end of the day, everyone had a good time and it was great to see so many family’s in the #CourtneyCoversCleveland Group section! Next time I do an event like this, I’ll definitely try to get a group picture!
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