ACCEL Schools: Providing Parents With Options


If you’re anything like me, this upcoming school year has you full of emotions. Deciding how and where your kids will learn during a pandemic is exhausting. There are so many factors to take into consideration and the reality is, every family is different. This is why #CourtneyCoversCleveland teamed up with ACCEL Schools to provide parents with options.

ACCEL Schools is the largest group of tuition-free, public charter schools in Ohio and has 17 schools in Cleveland serving K-12 students. For the upcoming 20-21 school year, ACCEL Schools has announced three learning options to meet the unique needs of families:Traditional (5 days at school), Online (5 days at home), and Hybrid (2 days at school & 3 days at home). 

“What felt important to us as we planned to reopen for the 20-21 school year was to consider the needs of our community,” says Dr. Sheila L. Sherman, Principal of East Academy in Collinwood & Superintendent of Lincoln Park Academy. “Not every family’s circumstances allow for at-home learning, and likewise, not every student is successful learning online 100% of the time, so we had to get creative with options for families. As long as we are given the flexibility to operate carefully with vigilant safety protocols, we want to pass that flexibility along to families by providing as many learning options as possible.”

“The first week of July we surveyed all parents asking for their thoughts and comfort level with multiple learning scenarios,” says Dr. Rodney Bly, Superintendent of the Hope Academies in Cleveland and Case Preparatory Academy in Akron. “We were very interested to see an even split between the three options—one-third wanted Traditional, one-third Online, and one-third Hybrid. We felt very compelled to respond to the needs of our families in a comprehensive way.”  

Here are the options for the upcoming school year:

Traditional model:

Students will receive in-person learning at the school five days per week. Safety guidelines established by the CDC and Ohio Department of Health will be rigorously followed, including daily assessment for symptoms, hand washing and sanitizing, cleaning and sanitizing shared surfaces, and a mandated face covering policy. A ten-week of supply of n95 masks for teachers and 3-ply surgical masks for students is already in store at each school. 

Online model: 

Students will learn from their home environment under the guidance of classroom teachers supported by parents. Schools will loan laptops to students on an as needed basis and reimburse the cost of home Internet for students who meet the eligibility requirement which includes ongoing attendance and participation. “Grab and Go” meals will be available as part of the free breakfast and lunch program.

Hybrid model 

Students will learn at the school building two days of the week, and then log-on from home for the remaining three days of the school week. Students will wear masks and follow all safety guidelines in place for at-school learning days. When at school, Hybrid students will be grouped together in learning pods located throughout the campus to maximize social distancing and will continue their coursework with the support of a Class Facilitator in addition to their certified teacher. 

“We believe families deserve the ultimate choice in schooling options anytime, and especially during the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Ron Packard, President of ACCEL Schools. “It is our goal to ensure every student has access to a safe, and high quality education, and parents can make whatever choices they need to make for their family.”

As a parent uncertain about what I want to do this school year, these options are great. 

If you’d like to consider ACCEL Schools this fall, Ohio families have the opportunity to make their learning choice NOW . The chosen option will be in place until the end of the first semester. If a parent wants to change options before the end of the semester, they may work with the school’s principal to move to a different model.

To make a learning choice, parents can visit or call (216) 750-1200.

*This post is sponsored through a partnership with ACCEL Schools however these are my real views and opinions.


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