Married Couples in CLE: Wine & Wisdom

The last #MarriedCouplesInCLE Wine & Wisdom was everything we EVERYONE needed and more. As always I came up with a theme, posted the flier, and shortly after the event sold out!

This time I chose to invite “seasoned married couples” because I find it to be true, that the wisdom you have at 30/40 years of marriage is so helpful for those on the journey! The room ranged from couples who were seriously dating to couples who had been married 40 years. It was the widest range in perspective I have ever had at a married couples event and for that reason I believe it was one of the best I’ve hosted. I invited two couples in particular that had been through some things (like all of us have or will) to share with us their personal stories Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ginn Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis. They shared with us not just about how they got through the storms, but how they have learned to accept each other for who they are, how they learned to communicate and fight fair, how they just no when to be quiet lol, how to show support and more! I also invited Mr. Charles Williams who was someone who had regrets about getting a divorce. This was something I wanted to highlight but not spend too much time on. I don’t condone divorce but I thought it was important to talk as married couples about why it’s always the best decision to make, and why it’s sometimes better to keep working at it and get healthy as individuals to have a healthy marriage together. I also like the perspective he was able to give husbands about what he did wrong and what he would do differently.


My event always requires a dress code. This time all guests were told to dress like they were going on a date on a Saturday night to their favorite fancy restaurant, and that they would also be going to see Luther Vandross in concert. That was my way of setting the mood (LOL). Once everyone arrived by 6:45 as requested, we begin with an icebreaker (which I wont share the details of). From there we played a game that anonymously shared issues many of us go through as married couples. It was the best way to show that we are all in the same boat, going through the same things, battling the same struggles/issues and to let us know as couples, husbands and wives that none of us are alone. It was to remind them before our discussions, that when we come together in settings like this, we are able to share and get receive feedback by those who have gone through, are going through, or will go through similar situations. More than anything, it’s just to create circles of married couples who may not have married friends.

Anywho, upon arrival everyone received their own personal book of wisdom. They were to use it throughout the night to capture all the wisdom that was being shared. We started with a panel discussion from our guests speakers, the split into private husbands and wives for separate conversations were about everything from finances to infidelity! I think everyone agreed that they wish it went longer. When we came back together, we presented our task why in groups which were 5 takeaways of Wisdom that we heard throughout the evening. We also had a quick open conversation about our choices.

THANK YOU to everyone who attended! Thank you to my guest speakers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis,  Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ginn Sr., and Mr. Charles Williams for sharing your personal stories. Thank you Pearl Flower Catering for providing the food for the evening.  Thank you to my photographer Natasha Herbert and my videographer Chas of Destinyfulfild. Last but not least thank you  CLE Urban Winery for hosting us and serving my favorite wines the Buckeye Blackberry Merlot and the Hometown Heroes Peach Chardonnay!


If the pictures didn’t make you jealous of missing the event, check out this recap video:

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