What a year 2020 was!
I didn’t accomplish all my goals, I didn’t take all the pictures or post all the articles I had planned. I really didn’t know how to feel most days, I didn’t know if I should work or stay in the bed. I tried to figure out how to make my house function as work space and learning space, I took a break from taking breaks- to be mom/wife and entrepreneur nonstop. I didn’t have it all figured out andI’m going into 2021 not having it all figure out– and that’s okay.
I really had to pivot CourtneyCoversCleveland in 2020. No events, no “covering” Cleveland… yet and still I managed.
I managed to partner with more than 40 businesses/organizations, I managed to make more than the year before, I managed to be okay- with being satisfied with showing up for myself and however that looked on any given day. I managed to slow down and just enjoy my family, to be okay NOT working all day every day because mentally I just couldn’t do it. I managed to love my life a little more… and not take for granted all of my blessings. I managed to be okay not being okay…
With all that happen in 2020 I made promises to myself that I will keep in 2021.
I will stay healthy and fit in 2021, I will REBRAND in 2021, and I will do MORE in 2021.
Do more in my city, do more in my community, and do more with my family.
It won’t be a perfect year… but I will do all that I can, when I can- to make it the best on yet!
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